“We had a major fault with a motor drive on a one of our hammer mills, I called Drives and Automation who sourced a replacement unit. They came to site, fitted and commissioned it the next day. We were back in production that afternoon. For a 24/7 process like ours this level of service is invaluable.”
Luke Wildsmith, Engineering Manager ELG Utica Alloys.
The new system is far more reliable than the previous DC control system and scrap production has been significantly reduced due to the improved machine control. John Kerr, Site Engineer at Texplan, said: “We were very pleased that we managed to undertake the upgrade project with only minor disruption to production as the original control system was very problematical. The machine is performing much better, scrap reduced significantly, fault finding much improved and improvements to the operator controls have helped to reduce set up time. This couldn’t have been achieved without the help of everyone involved including Drives and Automation Ltd who were the principle contractor on the project.
John Kerr, Site Engineer at Texplan
Congratulations to everyone associated with the project, including our employees and all of the contractors involved. We have achieved our objective of improving plant performance and reducing energy costs.
Carlo Lunghi, Section Engineer, Bloom Caster.
Drives and Automation provided a complete drive package to replace a very complicated’ obsolete control system. The equipment was provided on time and successfully commissioned within the shutdown. The system has run continuously ever since its installation and never missed a beat. We are very pleased with the local support.
Dave Watt, Tata Pipes, Hartlepool
We had converted all of our grinding machines to the use of water-based non-flammable hydraulic fluids, to eliminate a potential fire risk. However, this has proved to be very corrosive. We wanted to look at a better, more environmentally acceptable solution and called in local drives specialists ‘Drives & Automation’ (DnA), who recommended a solution based on Unidrive SP drives. There was some scepticism from the machine manufacturer, but the electrical drive route has proved to be much more accurate and has cut setting-up time to zero. We are delighted with DnA’s work and with the performance of the Control Techniques drives, as well as being much more environmentally friendly, the new control system has cut downtime and maintenance - and the reduced set-up time on each size of slab has potentially increased product throughput on the machine.
Ben Holroyde, ACP Project and Planning Engineer.
The new system is far more reliable than the previous DC control system; Ben Pippin, Site Electrical Engineer said: “We were really pleased that we managed to complete the project within budget and on time with only minor disruption to production. This couldn’t have been achieved without the help of everyone involved including Drives and Automation Ltd and our great team of site electrical and maintenance engineers.
Ben Pippin, Site Electrical Engineer
Once Drives and Automation won the contract, they had the ability to get on with the job with the minimum of help from ABB, allowing them to complete the job over the shutdown period with no effect on production in the New Year.
Phil Banks, ABB.
We had converted all of our grinding machines to the use of water-based non-flammable hydraulic fluids, to eliminate a potential fire risk. However, this has proved to be very corrosive. We wanted to look at a better, more environmentally acceptable solution and called in local drives specialists ‘Drives & Automation’ (DnA), who recommended a solution based on Unidrive SP drives. There was some scepticism from the machine manufacturer, but the electrical drive route has proved to be much more accurate and has cut setting-up time to zero. We are delighted with DnA’s work and with the performance of the Control Techniques drives, as well as being much more environmentally friendly, the new control system has cut downtime and maintenance - and the reduced set-up time on each size of slab has potentially increased product throughput on the machine.
Shaun Penn, Mechanical Operations Engineer, Outokumpu SMACC, Sheffield
Providing security of operation for our aluminium cold rolling mill at Bridgnorth Aluminium was the deciding factor for our purchase of a spare D.C. motor. The 900kW Sicmemotori machine was custom designed as a direct replacement for existing mill stand motors. Drives and Automation worked closely with us during the project providing a professional service and valuable know-how. They facilitated technical data exchange, assisted with site survey of existing motors, and arranged a factory acceptance visit. The motor was recently installed during a short maintenance period and is performing well.
Martin Cresswell, Automation Manager, Bridgnorth Aluminium
“Many thanks for your support yesterday, the service from DnA has gone above and beyond this week, so thanks to all of you!!"
Business Electrical Engineer, British Steel.